Benefits of Cooperative Learning in Primary Education

Deepika Sodhi
August 20, 2023
Schools, Learning

In the vibrant world of primary education, where young minds are sculpted and curiosity knows no bounds, a revolutionary approach has been taking root – cooperative learning. 

Cooperative learning is more than just a teaching method; it's a dynamic and interactive strategy that brings countless benefits to primary education. In the classroom, students are buzzing with enthusiasm as they collaborate, communicate, and celebrate their learning journey together.

Traditional classrooms, on the other hand, are often centered around a teacher-centered model, where knowledge is followed by active teachers to passive students. Today, educators recognize that there is a need for active participation and teamwork in order to have a deeper understanding of subjects and essential life skills which has led to a shift in focus towards cooperative learning. 

It’s a game-changer in Primary International schools, and in this article, we will learn more about it in detail and the numerous advantages it offers to young learners.

What is Cooperative Learning?

It is a teaching and learning strategy where teachers provide tasks and students team up to achieve shared goals. It’s more like a sports game where each member has a particular role to play. The victory of the group depends on the combined efforts of the group members. This method is all about actively working together and learning from each other.

Let’s understand how this approach works:-

● Group Work: Students are divided into small teams of 2-6 members. These teams are either carefully chosen or randomly decided depending on the teacher's goals.

● Shared Goals: Each group is given a task where every member of the group has to contribute their ideas towards achieving common goals.

● Roles and Responsibilities: Students are assigned different roles, some are leaders who help organize the group's work while some are assigned to take notes and ensure everyone is participating.

● Active Participation: Everyone in the group is encouraged to participate actively through discussions, asking questions, and helping each other understand the topic. This approach to learning ensures that no one is left behind, and everyone benefits from the group's collective knowledge.

● Positive Interactions: Cooperative learning promotes positive social interactions where they get to interact with teachers and peers, sharing thoughts, listening and understanding others perspectives.

● Reflection and Feedback: After completing the task, teams and their members need to discuss what they have learned and how they could improve it. This form of reflection and feedback helps students to learn from their experiences.

Cooperative learning is effective because it equips young learners with valuable skills. It can be useful in the primary education setting, from solving math problems together to working on a science experiment as a team making learning more enjoyable.

Purpose of Cooperative Learning in Primary Education 

The main purpose of cooperative learning in primary education is to help International school students learn various important things and equip them with skills to grow together in a supportive and interactive environment. Here's a detailed explanation of the various purposes behind the same.

● Learning Together: Cooperative learning brings students together as a team where they explain to each other the topic, and help others understand through their perspectives. When students work together it becomes easier to understand, making learning more enjoyable.

● Building Social Skills: It helps kids develop important social skills, observing others and learning to communicate and listen better. This skill is useful in school and personal life.

● Boosting Confidence: When students work in groups, they get a chance to share their thoughts and be a contributor to the team's success. These experiences from learning build confidence and boost their self-esteem. 

● Different Perspectives: Every single person has their own perspectives. In cooperative learning, when students come together they bring their unique ideas and share their viewpoints. This helps other members to look at problems from multiple angles and come up with innovative solutions.

● Learning Responsibility: In a group, each student has a role and responsibility which makes them accountable for their action. Students gain valuable life lessons from the outcomes and experiences they learn.

● Better Understanding: When students explain things to each other, they often gain a better understanding of the topic themselves. So, it's like revising the concept, teaching others helps students reinforce their own learning. 

● Friendship and Inclusion: Cooperative learning in Primary school helps students to open up and make friends. They feel they are important, their views are considered which fosters a sense of belonging and community in the classroom.

● Preparing for the Future: This learning approach prepares students for a competitive future by equipping them with required skills that are needed to thrive.

The purpose of cooperative learning is obviously focused on getting good grades and making them better learners but also to shape their character and make them better people


7 Benefits of Cooperative Learning in Primary School

Let's understand the benefits of cooperative learning in primary school, diving into each point in depth.

Enhanced Learning Together: Cooperative learning helps students to understand tricky concepts better when teamed up together. It's like solving a puzzle with a group of friends which makes it more enjoyable leading to enhanced learning. Studies have shown that students who learn things in groups have better grades and academic performances.

Higher Thinking Skills:Cooperative learning helps students become better thinkers. When they work together in groups and talk about things, it makes their brains work harder. They learn to look at information carefully, think about different ideas, and make smart choices together. They also get better at understanding how they think and learn while explaining things to friends or figuring out how well their group did on a project. It's like a brain workout that makes them smarter thinkers.

Improved Social Skills: Cooperative learning isn't just about books; it's also about people skills. Kids learn how to talk, listen, and respect each other. This prepares them for future professional settings where they will have to interact on a day-to-day basis and show their social skills.

Growing Confidence: When students work together with friends, they feel comfortable to share their ideas and take on challenges. Speaking up in class becomes easier, and they become active participants in their learning. Solving problems as a team makes them believe in their problem-solving superpowers. They also feel proud of what they achieve with their classmates. This confidence beyond the classroom makes them feel like they can do anything!

Students learn to respect others views: When students work together, they learn to listen and understand their friend's perspective, even if it is different. It's like a game where everyone will get a chance to be heard. This teaches students to be respectful and considerate of each other's viewpoints, making the classroom a friendly and inclusive place where everyone feels valued.

Students become Responsible: Cooperative learning helps students become responsible, just like taking care of a pet or helping with chores at home. In a group, each student has a role, like making sure everyone listens or writing down important things. They learn that doing their role well is important for the group's success. This teaches them about responsibility and teamwork, making them more responsible students and good team players.

Deeper Understanding: Cooperative learning is like going on a learning adventure with friends. When students work together, they can understand things better. It's like when you and your friends put your heads together to solve a tricky puzzle. By discussing and explaining things to each other, students get a deeper understanding of the topic themselves. It's like discovering the secrets of a treasure map together, and that makes learning more exciting and fun!

Making Lifelong Skills: Cooperative learning helps students learn skills that they can use for their whole lives. When they work together in a team, they practice important things like listening, talking nicely, and helping each other. These skills are like tools they can use not just in school but also use in their personal and professional life. So, cooperative learning is like a school for learning skills that stay with them forever!

Cooperative Learning's 5 Essential Elements

Cooperative learning has five essential elements that make it work like magic. Let's understand these elements in depth.

● Positive Interdependence: Let's take a scenario, you and your friends have to find a treasure hunt, and you both have each piece of the map. So if you work together and share your pieces, you will be able to easily find the treasure. This is what positive interdependence is all about where each student relies on the other to succeed. Students understand that everyone's contributions are crucial and so they support each other to achieve common goals.

● Individual Accountability: It’s like a football game, where each player has to take the initiative to score a goal or defend the goalpost. If one player fails to give their best, the team might lose. Students understand that they are accountable and need to give their best to help the team succeed. 

● Face-to-Face Interaction: Think of cooperative learning as a group of friends discussing things, where everyone sits together, talks, and shares ideas comfortably. This approach helps students to open up and communicate directly with their teammates without any inhibitions. So students ask questions, share thoughts, and learn from each other. This approach makes learning more engaging and fun!

● Skills Development: The best thing about cooperative learning is that it helps students learn different skills like communication, teamwork and collaboration, critical thinking, leadership, time management etc. These skills are a big toolbox of skills that you can use not only in school but also in your future life.

● Group Processing: It's like a performance review session after a game or project where students discuss what they learned, and what has to be improved. It's like a mini-team meeting where everyone discusses and takes feedback from each other and shares their thoughts to make the team even stronger.


In the colorful world of primary education, the benefits of cooperative learning shine brightly. It's a method that not only makes learning fun but also equips young minds with essential life skills. It is a guiding light through the primary school years that transforms classrooms into thriving communities of learners and friends, where every child can shine.


How to use cooperative learning in the kindergarten classroom?

Cooperative learning in kindergarten can be used by grouping young learners together for activities that encourage teamwork and sharing. Teachers can use activities like group storytelling or collaborative art projects to promote cooperation.

What is the role of a teacher in cooperative learning?

The teacher's role in cooperative learning is to create a supportive environment, assign roles, provide guidance, facilitate discussions, and ensure that students work together effectively and learn from each other.

What is an example of cooperative learning in school?

An example of cooperative learning in school is when students work together on a science experiment performing a specific task, collaborating, and completing the experiment successfully.

What are cooperative learning activities?

Cooperative learning activities are tasks or projects where students have to work together in groups to achieve a common goal. These tasks are discussions, problem-solving activities, peer teaching, and collaborative projects.

How does cooperative learning motivate students?

Cooperative learning motivates students by making learning more engaging and interactive. When they work with peers, they feel a sense of responsibility to contribute which boosts their motivation to perform well for their team.

Deepika Sodhi

A highly motivated and dedicated educator with nearly 24 years of teaching experience, Ms. Deepika Sodhi is the Academic Supervisor for International Curricula at Global Indian International School (GIIS) SMART Campus, Singapore.

Ms. Sodhi has a rich experience of teaching Physics across curricula such as the IB, Cambridge IGCSE and CBSE. She has served as an Exam Officer for Cambridge Assessment International Education. Currently, she is an IB Assessment Officer, and a member of International Schools Network and International Baccalaureate Educator Network.

In her free time, Ms. Sodhi enjoys writing blogs, creating guiding material for training staff and community service.

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